Product of Mexico | 100% Pure Agave | Top-Rated Tequila

IZKALI Tequila Proudly Supports The 2011 Memorial Park Fun Run

IZKALI team at the 2011 Houston Memorial Park Fun Run

Approximately 4 million people visit Memorial Park each year, with the Seymour Lieberman Exer-Trail being the heaviest used park amenity in the City of Houston.  Memorial Park Conservancy, in partnership with the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, is working towards forest conservation and trail improvements within the park to ensure Memorial Park is a healthy and sustainable environment.

Everyone at IZKALI® Tequila was very excited to be able to give back to our community by participating in this year’s “4 the Park” Fun Run event. We want to extend a big thank you to everyone pitched in to support the Memorial Park Conservancy!

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